Offbeat, unusual, unconventional & interesting career interviews

Research Your Future – Strategic Career Planning for Schools & Colleges

Want to be a Career PathBreaker?

Today we will try to clarify our criteria of “Pathbreakers”.

Students today need role models to look up to. We are not looking for achievers who scored more than 90% in school or secured a perfect GPA at college.

We are looking for professionals who achieved things based on our criteria below:

  1. You pursued a very unique career
  2. What you studied is related to what you do currently do (like core engineering or research)
  3. You studied a common career initially (like Engg or Medical) but transitioned to something you liked

We would love to interview you IF ALSO YOU MEET THE CRITERIA BELOW !

  1. You pursued a unique career path.
  2. You have an interesting story to tell.
  3. You would like to make a difference and help the future generation.

You could reach me (Shyam Krishnamurthy)  If you would like to share your career story with us and be on our Career PathBreaker spotlight page

Mobile : 9486148466

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